Consider to stop _now_ this thread. It is not only because I am
bored of it but as well for that indecent and insulting, if not idiot,
As a side note, and having read all the thread, I feel ashamed for you
guys that are trying to convince yourself and others that Linus is not
able to cope with his mission, crying out words to him "Linus is so and
so and so ... find a successor ... blah blah blah".
Alan have alredy said something about. I add my comment here: Linus
is definitely _not_ on a power trip. He is doing his work, and he is doing
the best he can do (that is much more than most of you guys are able to
do). Linux is a big project. Linus is its creator. You can disagree with
him the way he is doing his work but you can not insult him gratuitously
the way you have done in the last week.
This thread is wasting bandwidth and time of lot of us. Use your time
searching for a way to relive Linu's work and not for searching ways to
pressure him like patch-bombing as Rogier suggested (okay it was not for
public but Rogier we all read that email: patch-bombing is a really unfair
way to deal with Linus and his load of work).
I'm sure someone of you don't want to stop the thread now so I strongly
suggest them to change at least the subject.
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