Ramdisk on 2.0.36

Jerry Geis (geisj@pagestation.com)
Tue, 06 Oct 1998 06:41:43 -0500

I am trying to make a ramdisk and set my TMP directory
to it so intermediate kernel compile files are stored
there and hopefully speed up my compiles.

I have slackware 3.5
Kernel has ramdisk as a module
looked at Documentation/ramdisk.txt
Total mem is 128M

I thought I could do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram bs=1k count=32768
for a 32Meg ramdisk (might be more than I need)

then mke2fs /dev/ram/ 32768
then mount -t ext2 /dev/ram /tmp

However when I do the dd command it says
dd: /dev/ram no such device.

the /dev/ram is there to a link of /dev/ram1 which is
a block device.

What am I doing wrong here?

Please CC me directly.


Jerry Geis

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