# > do you mean something among the lines of
# >
# > MY_VAR='ls /foo' ?
# Yes. I.e. use shell variables to hold the info.
# > Care to show us this example? If it is good it could go into the kernel.
How about the following (please note that using my _exact_ implementation
would require fixing nls to put its modules into FS_MODULES and
NET_MISC_MODULES be folded into NET_MODULES -- unless we like having an
modules/nls and modules/net_misc directory).
@(cd modules; \
ALLMODS=`ls *.o`; \
echo "Installing modules under $$MODLIB"; \
for d in `ls *_MODULES`; do \
nd=`echo $$d | sed 's/_MODULES//' | tr A-Z a-z`; \
echo -n " $$nd"; \
mkdir -p $$MODLIB/$$nd; \
for m in `cat $$d`; do \
ALLMODS=`echo $$ALLMODS | sed "s/$$m//"`; \
cp $$m $$MODLIB/$$nd; \
done; \
done; \
if [ -n "$$ALLMODS" ]; then \
echo -n " misc"; \
for m in $$ALLMODS; do \
cp $$m $$MODLIB/misc; \
done; \
fi; \
echo) 2>/dev/null
-- n i c h o l a s j l e o n
/ elegance through simplicity /
/ good fortune through truth / http://mrnick.binary9.net
/ not all questions have answers / mailto:nicholas@binary9.net
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