Then you step out of your morning stupor, and see a homeless drunk at the
end of the street, you succumb to the drulling sounds of dozens of cars
as they buzz by your home. You begin to think about something but for
some reason you fail, however you do notice the odd discoloration of the
air in your area. Without finishing the thought that just failed you stoop
to pick up the morning paper, just to discover your neighbor's cat decided
to use it as a "litter box away from home(tm)".
As if it were second nature you pick it up with two fingers and a thumb,
then pull one finger away and carry the defiscerated object to the trash
can in the kitchen. All the while holding it far away from your body as
if it to be an diseased, infectious article that wholly disgusts you in
the most humanly fundamental ways.
What once seemed a good thing, when looked at with a more abstract point
of view, is in all respects the most repulsive "thing" ever known to
grace it's presence upon man. This is how 'Windows' would appear in a
World Dominated by 'UNIX', because dear, that's exactly how it looks now.
%---* ely % "Fortunately for *us* this is *not* a 100% 'Windows World'"
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