I cannot run gated-3.5.10 on latest 2.1 kernels (at least 2.1.124).
Even recompiling gated with 2.1.124 includes doesn't cure the problem.
2.1.117 was fine, well, sort of, quiet some warnings at gated start,
but it was able to update kernel routing table.
I can come with precise gated error message if necessary.
Rather than modifying the kernel to support that old crpa gated, is'nt an
alternative able to do OSPF-2 cleanly?
Zebra does'nt include OSPF yet, I've read Martin Mares about
a BIRD project, is that useable yet?
Cheers, TIA.
-- -°) Philippe Strauss /\\ home email/finger address: <philou@philou.ch> _\_v"Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit." -- Abbie Hoffman
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