It looks more like a collection of horrorstories on what happens when
technically brilliant people ignore/forget the fact that in actual
physical implementations, politics and policies mean more that technical
details, than it looks like stories about people persecuted for using
Linux, though it's the latter impression they're obviously trying for.
I myself do some work in a place where the one in charge of the network is
technically incompetent to the point of idiocy(1), it's a hell of a way to
work, but it's still possible as long as you play by the rules.
(1) simplest example of idiocy: It's a network with one server and
several clients, but someone still managed to convince her that changing
the backbone to 100Mbps switches from 10Mbps hubs would make a positive
difference. It's of cause slower now, but she don't understand why. :)
-- Henrik Olsen, CNA, working on CNE. URL= Get the rest there.
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