Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Arm the gnus

Gregory Maxwell (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 23:57:51 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Matthew Hawkins wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Dave Cinege wrote:
> > Since the right to own weapons (a subset of the right to own property)
> > is a natural right, this has little to do with any so called government
> > or the bondries it may claim.
> Er, yes it does. This 'right to ...' thing stems from the Constitution of
> the United States of America. Those pieces of paper have no legal power
> whatsoever in the other 250+ countries that make up this planet. So it
> very much is related to one particular government and the boundaries
> thereof.
> I personally am an Australian citizen, and have no rights whatsoever.
> (even the rights we don't have are being taken away ;)

What he's saying is that all 'people' have certian rights that can never
be taken away. All people have these rights, even minors and people that
live in opressive countries. As humans we understand these rights without
ever being told them.

Governments can't grant these rights because we already have them, and
they can't be denyed.

One of them is the ability to own properity. The use of your properity
should also be unhindered, unless it interfears with others.

Personally, I dont believe in guns but that doesn't mean I care about
other people having them. Unfortunatly, it's difficult to defend yourself
from a person with a gun other then having a gun (or other simmlarly
deadly methods at your disposial.).. Hopefully someone will invent
'personal energy shields', such a device would severly lower the risk of

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