Please call your airline to ask them what their procedure for transporting
weapons of individual destruction are.
One Delta agent related a story where a guy going hunting in Wisconsin took
his shotgun to the security check in, and slapped it on the X-Ray belt... and
was arrested immediately. Never mind that he had no ammo, and that the firing
pin was out and the barrels off the stock. You can't take a weapon into the
cabin, period. (Pocket knives apparently don't count, I slapped a swiss army
knife into the change tray, and the guard didn't blink.)
ObKernelComment: I have been running 2.1.125 for a number of days, seems good.
NonOb Question: When I look at /proc/cpuinfo, it reports the model as Pentium
75+. I think I own a 90Mhz model. On the other hand, if I lift the heatsink,
there are no part numbers on the thing. Have I been ripped? (Wouldn't surprise
me, I get number 11 errors during compiles pretty often...)
-- Hacksaw = David Charles Todd GTEI-BBNT = Hacksaw's Employer Hacksaw's Opinions != GTEI-BBNT's Opinions Linux understands you.
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