Re: [OT] M$ vs *all that is good and true*
david parsons (o.r.c@p.e.l.l.p.o.r.t.l.a.n.d.o.r.u.s)
13 Oct 1998 12:18:37 -0700
In article <linux.kernel.Pine.LNX.3.96.981012065036.550q-100000@red.prv>,
Mike A. Harris <> wrote:
>On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Ely Wilson wrote:
>>> FYI it is common for computer companies, hardware and software, to give
>>> equipment and software to colleges. It is one of the best advertising
>>> deals there is.
>>> However, a local small College, which has a new Engineering Department,
>>> was just provided complete Software Development Software for NT, plus
>>> the NT OS upon condition that no other OS be used on Campus.
>>> So... That's how it is done.
>>So what if tehy catch someone with a linux syetm in tehir dorm room? MS
>>yanks their gifts back?
>Heheh. VERY strange to see your posting after what I just
>finished reading...
>Go there and you'll see what they do to people with Linux systems
>in their dorm room.
It looks like they force them to write webpages that can't
be read with Lynx.
david parsons \bi/ Commentary that you can't read isn't overwhelmingly
\/ convincing.
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