# I've noticed that in the linux/include/asm/termbits.h there is no
# definition for a baud rate of 921.6Kbps (it only goes up to 460.8Kbps).
# Therefore, it's not possible to use setserial to set a serial port to this
# speed ... is it ?!?!
I've never even been able to get 460K to work correctly. I bought a
highspeed serial board
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a ST16650V2
that had some sort of "multiplier" on it (so you could use it when your
OS/app didn't support the higher speeds). Setting it to 460x1 never
worked, 230x2 didn't, but 115,200 x 4 did.
I would get effects like that of irq conflicts (stuttered throughput, but
never higher than, oh, 10cps).
After moving enough jumpers to last a lifetime, I gave it up and stuck
with the 115 x 4 setting.
This was under 2.1.x>50<115 so it may be working now.
-- n i c h o l a s j l e o n
/ elegance through simplicity /
/ good fortune through truth / http://mrnick.binary9.net
/ not all questions have answers / mailto:nicholas@binary9.net
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