I have no sense of humor and do not understand humans' sarcasm personally.
However, careful examination of your message suggests a possibility that
you are calling me a "bigot", which according to dict(1) (big thanks to
Rickard E. Faith, btw! see www.dict.org) means "a prejudiced person who is intolerant
of any opinions differing from his own". I can assure you that I am not
(i.e. most people who know me would confirm) such a "bigot" and the purpose
of the original post was to remind that Linux source may be read in
educational establishments, not to mention that printk() with the "f-word"
may harm advocacy of Linux. As for there being "something wrong" about
"f-word" I do not care about it at all (as long as it does not contain any
blasphemy against the Holy Ghost) and is merely a "convention" set by a
group of people. Even if I (personally) disregard practically all of those
"conventions", having respect for their habits on one hand, and making sure
that nothing harms promotion of Linux on the other, I felt the need to mail
to linux-kernel.
That is all!
------ -------- --------- -------- -- - -- ---- --
Tigran A. Aivazian | http://www.sco.com
Escalations Research Group | tel: +44-(0)1923-813796
Santa Cruz Operation Ltd | Email: tigran@sco.com
On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Lauri Tischler wrote:
> David Woodhouse wrote:
> >
> > Could anyone enlighten me as to what's wrong with the f-word anyway? I've
> > always been confused as to why it's not liked. Seems like unfair
> > discrimination to me.
> >
> There is nothing wrong with it, most of us would not be here without
> the f-act.
> I assume that the original bigot got here by divine intercour^H^H^H^Haction.
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