kde/kernel 2.1.125 and Powerbook 3400c

Yann Bizeul (ybizeul@club-internet.fr)
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 10:43:43 -0400

I've got problems with the 2.1.125 kernel and window managers...

When booting, the login screen is yellow, and sometimes the gray-levels are...
strange, (black, magenta, green...) i've to switch between consoles to get
something "right"
The kde screen in in 256 colors, like other window manager...
The mouse stills slow, in 2.1.24 kernel, the mouse was handled by the kde
settings, but here, I can't change the speed for trackpad/mouse

That's all for my first message !

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
ybizeul@club-internet.fr http://perso.club-internet.fr/ybizeul

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