Re: UDP socket open but not associated with a process? (v2.0.35-SMP-i386)
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 02:00:53 -0700

On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 12:52:18AM -0700, I wrote:
> I've noticed an odd occurrence (problem?) on one of the servers that
> I admin. There are several UDP ports that are open but don't seem to be
> associated with any process...

Sorry to respond to my own question, but...

It was inevitable... Just after I sent the e-mail off, I discovered
what the "problem" was.

The thought pattern went something like this: "Hmmm... low ports, root uid,
no process... sounds like the kernel... but why would the kernel need...
ummmm...", followed by the wet-and-squishy sound of an obvious answer
presenting itself to me.

The machine is a NFS server, and _client_. The NFS client side is
handled in the kernel... one quick tcpdump confirmed my suspicion:
The ports are used for NFS client functionality. Each port is used
for a mount point.

So, the next question is:
How can I tell what port the kernel has picked for NFS client
traffic, so that I can treat it appropriately in the packet


-----------------------------Joshua E. Hill------------------------------
|We come into this world screaming, naked, and covered in bodily fluids.|
|     If we live our lives correctly, this never has to change...       |

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