Re: NFS problems with SGI client

Alan Cox (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 03:07:55 +0100 (BST)

> > SGI NFS implementation, client and server, are tremendous pieces of
> > shit.
> Many people are agreeing with you <g>! For some reason, I thought
> that IRIX was supposed to have a good NFS subsystem. Are you saying this
> sort of misbehavior is not particular to mounting Linux knfsd servers?

My experience with 5.x has been bad, 6.x set 31bit runs very very
well with Linux and its SGI-SGI performance is great. Only that one weird
handle reuse bug has been a problem.

I've got an indy here wih Irix 6.x so if people have concrete bugs
they want to reproduce let me know.

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