2.1.126-2-ac1: Local: Corrupted check bytes on input.

Gregory Maxwell (linker@z.ml.org)
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 13:47:33 -0400 (EDT)

I've been running 2.1.126-2-ac1 on my Dual 166 and have been expirencing:
Local: Corrupted check bytes on input.
When slogined to a 2.0.35 box over a IP masqed ISDN line. I was ona VT.. I
believe it started with .124 but perhaps it was .125..

I just put 2.1.126-2-ac1 on a PII300 box which was running 2.0.35 (worked

Now it too is getting this error while slogined (it kills my ssh connect
too) .. This in under X..

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