Someone said:
"If Linux is to seriously compete with
M$ on the desktop, something will have
to be done in order to ease the burden
of installation and configuration for
the non-technical user community. No
small task. Of course Linux was no
small task either."
Alan replied:
"You keep forgetting - the average user
couldnt install windows 95 either,not
and then sort out the video cards and
other stuff. They solve it by buying
preinstalled machines."
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With all due respect, Mr. Cox, your "average user" definition does need an
Not all "average users" are nincompoops. I have seen many "average users"
successfully installed Windoze 95 on their machine themselves. They are not
"gurus" or "wizards" of any kind, and most of them don't know enough to code up
a working C or even Visual-Basic program.
Ask the same "average users" to install Linux however, and most will throw up
their hands.
The level of difficulty to install Windoze from scratch and that of installing
Linux is _not_ the same. It _does_ require a higher level of computer literacy
for a successful Linux installation (even with the RedHat's almost no-brain
installation process.)
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Alan also said:
"Nowdays you can do the same for Linux"
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_Even_ if it is "same," it still won't do any good for Linux.
Edward De Bono once said something along this vein:
"One should not rely on the opponents'
weakness to achieve success. True success
only comes based on ones' true merit, and
not on the opponents' mistakes."
And if we apply this in the Linux / Windoze context, Linux can only truly win
over the "average users" market based on a foolproof and E-Z installation
process designed specifically for people who has "less-than-average" technical
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