> > * To place your patches in the public domain, just give your name, a
> > * brief description, and a statement like the following:
> > *
> > * June 199 Random Hacker (random@hacker.org):
> > * Updated for 2.3.43 VFS changes. These changes placed in the
> > * public domain.
> > Never never never do this
> >
> > In many countries 'public domain' does not imply 'no liability'. It means
> > 'you can do what you like with this code, if it breaks you can sue me'. Not
> > good.
> Ah, thank you. I had not considered that aspect. Can you suggest
> something alternate?
Wouldn't changing that last sentence to something like:
"These changes placed in the public domain without any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."
have the desired effect?
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