Re: Dynamic IP hack (PR#294)

Gregory Maxwell (
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 19:46:19 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Olaf Titz wrote:

> Even if we were inclined to castrate our customers' access down to
> this level(*), which is a much sharper cut than dynamic addresses, it
> wouldn't technically work. There are too many protocols which don't
> run over masquerade. These often include games and other stuff which
> is especially popular with our customer base.

Where I work we provide internet access to a few of our custs (we've got 4
analog lines and two isdn) and we give custs a masqed address by default
and if they ask they can have a dynamic.. Only one so far has cared (and
since then he's had us give him a dedicated ISDN with a fixed IP) and that
was because he wanted to have people connecting in..

We dont make a secret of it.. We just say they are firewalled for their
security, and they can be unprotected at no additional charge.. :)

But.. These are all bussinesses and we're not an ISP, we're just providing
a value added service to our custs. (We include it on some maintaince
contracts so that we can VNC into them)..

Really the biggest problem a normal ISP would face is that you can only
have one quake user behind each firewall.. ID really need to change their
protocall some.. :)

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