I'm getting intermittent "Unable to load Interpreter" messages, which is of
great concern. The last time this happened, I wasn't monitoring for this,
and the server finally died. The server was 40 miles from my office, and to
say the least, it caused a fiasco. What makes this more difficult is to
explain to the client who owns the server that before upgrading from an
Intel Endevor motherboard, 200Mhz Pentium with 256MB of memory, the system
was online for 13 months without a reboot. The system is now an Intel
LM440BX motherboard, Intel PII 266Mhz processor and 256MB of ECC memory.
Using Slackware 3.4, kernel is 2.0.34. Pretty plain vanilla. I've seen quite
a few messages with others having the same problem. I've seen remedies from
replacing the hard disk, replacing memory and changing the value
in /proc/sys/kernel/file-max to something bigger. Currently I set this at
boot time to:
echo 16384 > /proc/sys/kernel/file-max
echo 49152 > /proc/sys/kernel/inode-max
echo "512 1024 2048" > /proc/sys/vm/freepages
These may or may not be even valid, but they haven't broken anything yet.
There was also a reference somewhere that 2.0.35 was KNOWN to have this
problem, so I went back to 2.0.34.
This server runs Apache 1.2.6 with FrontPage Extensions, and lots of web
traffic. Also lots of PostgreSQL processes that I suspect may be related,
but not that PG saavy.
Can anyone give me and others a fix for this problem?
Bobby Hitt
Phone: (703) 754-8772
Business Solutions Crosslink Web Services
Email: bobhitt@bscnet.com bobhitt@crosslink.net
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