> A fellow Debian user managed to create a tar.gz file that is 2.6GB in
> size on a FAT32 partition. Of course now he can't get anything to read
> the thing to extract some data from it. Is there any solution for this
> problem?
> He's got the debian-user list stumped and I thought there might be
> more hope for help from the Kernel gurus here.
> He's tried all the possible combinations, e.g.,
> tar xzvf file.tgz
> gunzip -c file.tgz|tar xf -
> cat file.tgz|gunzip -c|tar xf -
Boot Windows, use winzip (if it can handle a file that large) or Cygwin32
(www.cygnus.com) and its tar/gzip for windows. (Not sure if there's any
others.) It's probably the safest way to get the whole file.
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