Re: 2.1.126: Possible bug in fschk/corrupted inode handling

Alan Cox (
Mon, 2 Nov 1998 16:28:45 +0000 (GMT)

> Again running
> e2fsck /dev/sda2
> Produces the same read error from the same bad block and the same sound.
> Hmmm...
> I thought the -c option and the entry
> of the badblock would avoid further reading?!

e2fsck rechecks bad blocks.

> And -- if so -- how can I avoid further reading from this defect block, possibly
> WITHOUT reformatting the disk, cause it is my root device and therefore
> the prrof of Murphy's law.

Ideally you want to do a scsi verify - thats in most SCSI bios. That makes
the drive itself do a complete check and bad block remap

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