RE: GURU needed: Linux vs. FreeBSD

Gregory Maxwell (
Tue, 3 Nov 1998 18:44:33 -0500 (EST)

Yes. I dont see why not..
In lab conditions I've dont that much with 2.0 Linux..

They arn't even saturating their 100Bt card.

On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Alfredo Sanjuan wrote:

> Recently, at Slashdot all of us were impressed about the FreeBSD new
> Bandwidth Record with, a ftp server supporting 3600 ftp users.
> I wonder if the stable Linux kernel can handle such a load the same way (I
> mean the oficial source of 2.0.35, without patches).
> I thing that the best promotion for the FreeBSD proyect is the success of
> Perhaps Linux needs a very BIG, well known, Linux based
> server on the Internet to get the same points as FreeBSD.

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