Something has definitely been broken between pre-2 and pre-3. Originally,
I jumped to the conclusion that the knfsd subsystem was the problem.
Turns out to be the symptom. Actually, it's NIS that ceased to work!
ypbind loads without complaint, but any attempts at lookup (e.g. 'ypcat
hosts') gets a complaint of "..Can't bind to server which serves this
I know my configuration is correct, as it works fine with 2.1.127-pre2
(and as far back as I can recall). I can see some patches to the tcp code
for pre-3 that were introduced after pre-2. With your insight into the
networking layer, does anything jump out which might account for this?
Since NIS is used for all host resolution on my network, it's not
surprising that knfsd is misbehaving.
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