I have put togeather several 'embeded' ip masq and webcache computers..
It's basicly a p75 + 64megs of ram + a modem + a big hdd in a slimline
case painted blue. It's got a linux install slimmed out to abour 15megs (I
could have gone further but why)..
All the system partitions are mounted read only. Logs are rotated off
daily into a partition that is normally read only (except when files are
being movied into them)..
When it boots it comes off an inital ram disk, and looks at all the
It does a quick check on the read only system ones and if there is in
error, it sets up a ram disk, builds a minimal install off a tar file
stored in a raw partition and procieded to harass me with email (while
still routing packets for the cust)..
If that passes it check to see if the R/W partitions are clean (where the
cache is and where the logs for the day are).. If they are dirty it makes
no effort to fsck them.. It just blows them away.
Fast up speeds are far more important then losing the cache now and
I also wired the reset button to the LPT port and have a program that
detects it and shuts down the computer cleanly and the power switch has
been removed.
The bios and kernel have been tweaked out to reduce boot time.. It boots
so fast that I can't plug it in and get to a PC before it has booted up..
I just slogined into one of them.. It has 200days uptime. :)
So for things like that, fsck time can be avoided..
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