>"Linux = Best of Breed UNIX. Linux outperforms many other UNIX's in most
>major performance category (networking, disk I/O, process ctx switch,
>To grow their featurebase, Linux has also liberally stolen features of
>UNIX's (shell features, file systems, graphics, CPU ports)"
>This quote, taken from
>is most disturbing, mostly because it's not true. It has made me decide to
>remove all Microsoft product from this particular computer as soon as
>possible. It is unfortunate that Microsoft has decided to follow this kind
>of path.
What exactly is wrong with the statement above? It seams pritty accurate,
unless your objecting to the word "stolen" which while badly toned in not
inaccurate. After all the vast majority of the time we do not reinvent the
wheel while programming.
>Matthew D. Pitts
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