>Note: I probably should add that this is an SMP kernel on an dual i686
I am at pre-6 but I guess there aren' t parport/lp patches from pre6 to
pre7. It am pretty sure that' s my lp patch that causes problem to you.
The real problem is that we should fork lp or make it configurable for
many hardware. Right now I' ll try to be more buggy-compatible (even if I'
ll go slower here).
Could you run my pscan (ftp://e-mind.com/pub/linux/pscan) and send me the
report? The insmod ./pscan.o has to be run with the printer online. This
will help me to know wath' s going wrong for sure.
I' ll send to you a patch ASAP that should fix your problem (I just know
what is the offending bit (and for this reason I left the lp-stylus-color
patch for a week flying on the list to avoid such mistakes, but it seems
that to give a try to the code it has to go in the official kernel at
least for a revision ;-)). Note that the offending bit agrees with the
Centronics specs I have here (I am not doing crazy things ;-).
Andrea Arcangeli
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