shutdown and not unmounting root
Dominik Strasser (
Sun, 08 Nov 1998 14:23:25 +0000
I cannot unmount the root directory in 2.1.126. / is on /dev/hdd3, hda
and hdb aren't connected (the IDE controller is not working) hdc
contains an NT volume. I use mount 2.9e (from util-linux 2.9e) but mount
2.8 didn't work either. I am not sure when this behavior started but it
must have been the 2.1.11* series.
After the kill -9 -1 in /etc/rc.d/rc.6, there are only 3 processes:
kflushd, kswapd, sh rc.6 which do not hold any files. umount -a just
gives "/ busy".
Does anybody have any clues as I don't have any. I once tried Andrea's
busy inode patch but this one didn't emit anything.
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