Re: Comments on Microsoft Open Source document
Lauri Tischler (
Sun, 08 Nov 1998 16:13:50 +0200
Khimenko Victor wrote:
> Just standard US SUPER-EGOISM. You could have russian text in HTML/WP/WORD.
> You CAN NOT and NEVER will be able to send russian text as ASCII text.
> E M A I L I S N O T A S C I I ! ! ! !
> I prefer HTML here (it's by far better defined format) or one of text/plain
> variants (there are quite a few: "text/plain; charset=KOI8-R",
> "text/plain; charset=windows-1251", "text/plain; charset=ibm866", etc, etc)
> since I have enough tools to read [almost] all variations of "text/plain"
> with ability to carry russian text. But I simple could not get email from
> A LOT OF my friends in ASCII...
Please, don't mix charactersets and formats.
ascii, koi, isoxxx and such are character sets and therefore acceptable
html, wp, word are formats and NOT acceptable
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