UFS Problems (solved)
Mark Szlaga (mszlaga@engin.umd.umich.edu)
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 23:16:20 -0500 (EST)
Thanks to dwguest@win.tue.nl I was able to track my problem down. I do
indeed use System Commander. And I also missed one small config option nested
deep in the configuration. In the "Local Special Options" menu there is an
option called Primary partitions visible on drive 0:. (or > 0 if there is one
present.) This was set to AUTO. It needed to be set to ALL so that I could
see all partitions. Now everything works nicely (with the exception of
cleaning up the device names so it will boot properly)
Thanks Alan as well for your suggestions.
Sorry about the bandwith.... It's amazing how little options can bite one
Mark Szlaga mszlaga@umd.umich.edu http://www.umd.umich.edu/~mszlaga/
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