On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Jim Woodward wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Nov 1998, Kurt Garloff wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 11, 1998 at 03:11:39PM +1030, Mofeed Shahin wrote:
> > >
> > > I am just wandering what (if any) are the concequences of running e2fsck
> > > on a read/write mounted fs (such as the root partition)?
> > > Linux 2.0.34
> Ive done it in the past as an emergency measure.. but i wouldnt make a
> habbit of it :)
> might be risky :)
> if i wanna repair a partition an old slackware boot disk comes in handy :)
So let me get this straight, If I want to check my file system for errors
there is no problems, but if I want to fix any errors found I have to
reboot via a boot disk, and then e2fsck the now unmounted drive ?
If true (makes sense since it is a multitasking environment), then this is
not so good for my internet gateway, which may have some corruption.
But hey no use winging about it.
Cheers Mof.
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