Re: 2.1.127 oops...

Andrea Arcangeli (
Thu, 12 Nov 1998 19:13:36 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

>>>>>> "Andrea" == Andrea Arcangeli <> writes:
>Andrea> On Wed, 11 Nov 1998, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
>>> I can do that, but like I said, things have been very stable since
>>> then. Is there anything I can do to execersize the bug?
>Andrea> Only a guess but you could try to leave in background two or
>Andrea> three of:
>Andrea> while :; do xterm -e bash -c exit; done & while :; do xterm -e
>Andrea> bash -c exit; done & while :; do xterm -e bash -c exit; done &
>have had them running for a while now, and no problems.


>either the window for this bug is very small, or it was some kind of
>fluke. ;(

I really _hope_ it' s been an hardware problem. Did you ever get other
lockups with your machine? Another question, did you left your machine
idle for a long time? Tim reported a reboot/lock too after a night of idle
some time ago if I remeber well.

Andrea Arcangeli

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