2.1.127 reboots...
Mani A. Daneshmand (danesh@vuser.vu.union.edu)
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 18:53:28 -0500 (EST)
I'm running kernel 2.1.127 on my users server and have been running
into some problems. It's ok for about 13 hours and then it locks up and
my software watchdog reboots it (at least i think that's what happens...
it is possible that it just reboots itself because i don't see anything in
the logs... and dmesg does not show a fsck happening) then its ok for about an
hour and it goes again. Then its up for 13 hours and everything starts over.
I didn't have this problem with 2.1.122.
The machine is a Dual PPro 180 overclocked to 199.5 but the kernel is UP
because SMP only stays alive for 5 minutes and then dies..
Its running RAID5 and has 3 ncr53c875 scsi cards...
and a Thunderlan 10/100 card
I have a similar machine (a dual PII 300 overclocked to 337.5)
and its running 2.1.127 SMP and its been very stable...
Any thoughts?
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