Re: Linux-asm (was A patch for linux 2.1.127)
Erik Corry (
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 16:33:48 +0100
On Sun, Nov 15, 1998 at 10:25:37AM -0500, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Erik Corry wrote:
> >
> > Why don't you compare it with the gas code already in
> > the Linux kernel?
> The source code shows how to directly substitute the
> code I wrote for the code in the kernel. I specifically
> did not make a published comparison. We will probably
> find that one or more of the ideas shown may be used
> by the maintainer of the current kernel code.
If it's faster, yes.
Generally, if you want a change in the kernel, you provide a
Erik Corry Ceterum censeo, Microsoftem esse delendam!
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