Re: 127/128 weirdness

Sid Boyce (
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 01:53:33 +0000

I experienced this problem first on a Cyrix 233MX with 128 Meg running
pre-2.1.129-1, I then went back to 2.1.128 and got it similarly. ALT-SYSRQ did
nothing, but I was able to logout of kde. In VC mode it was ages to do anything,
shutdown got as far as sending KILL to all processes and after about half an
hour, I hit the reset button.
On the other box a 6x86-PR200 with 64 Meg, I have not seen it, but I've backed
off to 2.1.124 on both machines.
UP kernels on both. Now I'm building pre-2.1.129-2 SMP on the 233MX.
... Sid Boyce...Amdahl(Europe)...44-121 422 0375 
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