> I read that problems arise when the system is been idle for some time,
> maybe this is the reason everything has worked fine so far here...
I experienced this problem when the system was under moderate load (1<x<2),
so Im not sure if you can assume this to be fully responsible for the problem.
But IANA kernel hacker, so this may just be nonsense Im babbling :-)
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nils Philippsen @college: nils@fht-esslingen.de Vogelsangstrasse 115 @home: nils@wombat.dialup.fht-esslingen.de D 70197 Stuttgart phone: +49-711-6599405 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe I should patent stupidity so every lawyer will owe me BIG !! (mpare/at/cadvision/dot/com)
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