Re: Question about linux drivers
Richard Gooch (
Tue, 17 Nov 1998 07:42:51 +1100
Svein Erling Seldal writes:
> Alessandro Rubini wrote:
> >
> >> 1. Is there any centralized "organ" to coordinate and assign
> official
> >> major numbers?
> >
> >Yes. Look at "Documentation/devices.txt".
> >
> >However, I *strongly* suggest to use dinamic assignments of a major
> number.
> >There's plenty of documentation about this feature, but I can send
> you
> >the material if you need it.
> If I have a driver with dynamic major number, it won't know it's major
> number until after it's loaded into the kernel. Is there any
> standarized ways of retrieving it's major number, so the special file
> in the /dev directory can be updated? /proc? (If you do have some
> automated scripts to do this, can you please send it to me.)
This is made trivial with devfs. Grab it from:
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