> This reminds me of Microsoft's behavior. Just look at the
> programs that no longer works with winblows 98.
Yeah, this is problem.
> You're heading in the same direction ...
Not at all. In windows world backword binary compatibility is fetish and when
MS clams that Windows98 is compatible with Windows95 while in real Windows98
is not compatible with Windows95 this is a problem and pain. BINARY
compatibility is not in favour in Linux world at all. You have sources,
someone will make a patch, no problem. Ahh, you does not have sources ?
Sorry. It's your problem.
> The ones hurt is the Linux community not Real Audio.
Looks like you are serious :-(( Gosh. Linux world is changing to worse :-((
Now we have guys who think that binary backword compatibility is something
that should be kept while upgrading from Linux 2.0 to Linux 2.2... Gosh.
This is not even true for 2.0.x (binary drivers for 2.0.34 will be useless
for 2.0.35) and why this shouls be true for 2.2 I'm doubt. Yes, binary
compatibility is not something completely useless and if you can keep
binary compatibility without creating mess (in kernel, library, etc) usually
things are done this way but if choice is: break binary compatibility or
create mess (in kernel, library, etc) choice in Linux world is always to
break binary compatibility. If this is not what you want then go back in
Windows world and think: why it's so messy, slow, bloat and prone to crashes...
When you'll understood this you'll understood why Read Player should be fixed
not linux kernel :-))
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