> > On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 01:17:26AM -0500, Anthony Barbachan wrote:
> > > The 2.0.36 release's "make menuconfig" console configuration program is
> > > not displaying properly on my system. I also did a clean compile with
> >
> > I agree with that. I had a hard time to see the selections.
> Which ncurses , what terminal type, what sort of 'not displaying properly' ?
Using ncurses 4.2. Terminal linux. The display of the selections are
screwed up, doubling up on each selection line and displaying the non-IDE
CDROM selection line multiple times. Each selection line also spills out
of the selection window on the right. 2.0.35's "make menuconfig" was fine
on my system (I even redid it just in case). So were most of the 2.0.36
pre-patches. The screwe up "make menuconfig" only started in the last
(maybe also second to last or third to last prepatch). I tried on
serveral other terminal types as well (several vt100 emulators and KDE's
terminal) all exibited the same problem.
> > I also saw that the a.out compiled as modules didn't work out ok; the same
> > setup with 2.0.35 was OK. I'll remake the kernel als see if I can duplicate
> > it.
> There shouldnt be any problems - a.out hasnt changed
This compile alright on my system, although as far as I know I haven't
used it yet.
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