Currently the patch includes the latest unofficial ENskip support and
crypto-modules for the loopback filesystems. If anybody know of a
crypto-patch for the 2.1-series that I haven't included, please
contact me. The following has changed from the last patch:
1998-11-22 Alexander Kjeldaas <astor@guardian.no>
* Updated documentation to show which loopback modules are ECB
and which are CBC.
* Kernel crypto library on its way. Serpent is the first member.
* Changed memcpy to memset in loop_blow.c to close a possible
plaintext leak.
On the ftp-site, the directory /pub/linux/kernel is a normal
kernel-mirror while /pub/linux/kerneli is a kernel-mirror plus the
international kernel patch. You should find all utilities needed for
using crypto in the kernel in /pub/linux/kerneli/net-source/.
-- Alexander Kjeldaas, Guardian Networks AS, Trondheim, Norway http://www.guardian.no/- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/