PCMCIA question of a few moments ago

Trever Adams (highlander@teleteam.net)
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 05:19:26 -0600

I am sorry. I try to keep things off the list not meant to be here as
well as research before I come here. I just found my answers on
Dejanews (missed it a few days ago when I tried searching then). For
those who have had problems with Linksys cardbus tulip card (not its
name, but you will know you have it if you read the box):

To the rest, I am very sorry.

BTW, 2.1.129 is running excellent for me. I have one problem that is
SCSI related (NCR53C8xx driver I believe it is), but I think it is only
aesthetic. It reports my scanner (on bus 0) the same as my cd burner on
bus 1... all my devices (note scanner is alone) are reported on bus 0.
My tests so far indicate this is only in the display and reporting, not
in the use.

Data point: I think APM is broken on the F3CA300 CTX laptop (F and 800
series combined). It seems to cause it too crash. I am still testing
to make sure it is just the APM and not another combination.


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