> > On Monday, 23 November 1998 at 12:19, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> > > I wrote:
> I saw on end-to-end interest list a while back that there is a (currently
> unexplained) lot of packets with bad checksums floating around the net
> at the moment. They are trying to diagnose the problem at the moment.
> One out of 7000 is pretty bad. You might see if the frequency you see
> is similar to that Craig Partridge reports.
Well if it helps. under 2.1.129 i get these "TCPv4 bad checksum"
errors.. im on a p166, 64meg ram 2x 16550 and 2x 16C650 UART's (all
running on seperate IRQ's)
the modem is on ttyS1.. (a 16550), the modem is a USRobotics V.90 Courier
DS.. it connects to USR/3Com Total Control gear via the same modem
Connect rate at present is 14400 v32bis (my perm connection is a fixed
rate, modem is capable of higher connects to the generic dialup pool)
I get back checkups from Linux servers sitting on the otherside of the TC
racks only 2 hops from my box.. also from FreeBSD and BSDI boxes..
I dont think it discriminates :)
Any more clues from this?
[23:39:43] root:~# ifconfig ppp0
ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
could it be something to do with the size of the MTU/MRU?
(both are set to 1064)
Regards, Jim.
__ name: james woodward (jim)
/ . _ _ email: jim@jim.southcom.com.au, jim@woodward.southcom.com.au
(_/ / / \/ ) www: http://jim.southcom.com.au, http://www.mailbag.ml.org
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