> Did someone screw up the config of the listserver to send all that crap
> or is it someone abusing it for free adverticing?
> I understood enough to see at least one mail apparently trying to sell a
> car, though I may be mistaken with that:)
well, I'm polish so i can understand what was this mails about.
In my opinion someone just subscribed a polish mailing list about
security/linux to linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu. Maybe it was a joke, but
it wasn't funny.
PS: this mails about selling cars was a 'normal' (if I can say it) spam to
polish discussion list
-- ________________/ Marek Obuchowicz \_______________ / Finga elephant@szczecin.hsn.pl 4 PGP key \ | http://www.wirtual.pl <> http://www.shadow.eu.org/PLD | | elephant@shadow.eu.org <> sometimez "slonik" at IRC | \___________/ Member of da GNU generation \___________/
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