I've tried it with a 9730 (30 DLT cartridges, 4DLT 7000's). The
robotics work decently with a package scsi-changer-0.06.tar.gz and linux
2.0.x. I also got sustained data transfers of over 5MB/sec to the DLT
drives. :-)
The scsi changer software is in the sunsite archive I think. It
recognized the tape slots, the pass-thru port, etc. The laser scanner
is not supported, but if you can live without that you should be OK.
I've also used scsi-changer with Exabyte 10[hi] stackers without
problems. The documentation isn't the clearest, but you can figure it
out if you read it carefully.
I have a 9710 around. Maybe one of these days I'll try that too, but I
don't really expect problems.
If you're talking about working through the separate SUN that Storage
Tek supplies with their larger libraries, I have not investigated that
If anybody has written code to support those, I'd be interested too.
-- +--------------------------------------------+ Rick Bressler |Mushrooms and other fungi have several | G-4810 (425)342-1554 |important roles in nature. They help things| Pager 1-800-800-8596 |grow, they are a source of food, they | bressler@mushroom.ca.boeing.com |decompose organic matter and they | |infect, debilitate and kill organisms. | Linux: Because a PC is a +--------------------------------------------+ terrible thing to waste.- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/