Keyboard dying due to console again?

George (
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 13:20:15 -0500 (EST)

After my computer's keyboard died (except for CTRL+ALT+DEL and ALT+SysRq) I
remembered the 2.1.125 patch removed the disable/enable_bh() code from
console.c with the following note:

* Console on virtual terminal
* NOTE NOTE NOTE! This code can do no global locking. In particular,
* we can't disable interrupts or bottom half handlers globally, because
* we can be called from contexts that hold critical spinlocks, and
* trying do get a global lock at this point will lead to deadlocks.

Well, there are still 6 cases of disable_bh/enable_bh in console.c:

do_con_write (4)
con_font_op (2)

So, if the code isn't supposed to do locking in vt_console_print(), is it
legal to do locking in do_con_write()?

I'm no expert, but somehow the symptoms of the earlier SMP keyboard deaths
and my own SMP keyboard death now are strikingly similiar. So is the
right fix to remove the last disable/enable_bh()'s?

Originally reproduced with a 32 thread program doing repeated debug writes
to the screen as I was working in other consoles and occasionally switching
over to check on it. Load average was about 40 and system worked fine
other than the keyboard. I telnet'd in and everything was still going as
it should have been. System is a dual Pentium 233MMX and Tyan Tomcat IV.


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