> So the cycle was this: Get OS/2, install, see it crawling because 4M
> isn't enough, start ranting, delete it, get Win95, see it crawling,
> upgrade your machine because you suddenly don't seem to have a
> choice any more, So:
> OS/2 is dog-slow -> OS/2 sucks
> Win95 crawls -> your hardware needs to be upgraded
I seem to have been quite happy running OS/2 2.11 on a
486/40 with 4 MB of ram and 250MB of disk space...
Borrowing an extra megabyte solved many of the performance
problems, however :)
But then I switched to Linux (Slackware 2.x?) and never
went back again...
Those were the days. I just wish we had swap cache and
streaming swap back then :)
Rik -- slowly getting used to dvorak kbd layout...
| Linux memory management tour guide. H.H.vanRiel@phys.uu.nl |
| Scouting Vries cubscout leader. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~riel/ |
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