I wasn't running 2.15 but I downloaded it and read the README. I don't
see anythign which would point to what was going on. They are all using
seperate interrupts (they're PnP GVC modems) and run perfectly for over a
month before starting to drop. Here's my /proc/interrupts with just 12
*hours* of uptime:
$ cat /proc/interrupts
0: 5309700 XT-PIC timer
1: 6049 XT-PIC keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
3: 52 XT-PIC serial
4: 52 XT-PIC serial
5: 4823461 XT-PIC serial
7: 4454263 XT-PIC serial
10: 3086359 XT-PIC serial
11: 800927 XT-PIC eth0
12: 2507935 XT-PIC serial
13: 1 XT-PIC fpu
14: 74592 XT-PIC ide0
15: 65 XT-PIC ide1
NMI: 0
I have my printer port turned off in BIOS so IRQ7 is free. The standard
COM ports (1 and 2) are reserved for serial console and a watchdog circuit
I am in the process of designing.
Please, if I missed something in the README, enlighten me. this is most
strange problem.
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