> There's actually quite a few missing from it, as well as one that's
> corrupted. All the ones that I've tracked down are listed in the
> kernel version index I've put online at the URL below, and those I've
> come across that aren't on the SunSite-UK mirror of ftp.kernel.org
> (plus the one on there that's corrupted, I found an uncorrupted copy
> thereof), along with bzip2'd versions of the ones not bzip2'd on
> SunSite's UK mirror, can be found at...
> ftp://ftp.amush.ml.org/pub/rhw/Linux/
> All have been timestamped with the most recent timestamp contained
> therein...and if you wish to move them to ftp.kernel.org you have my
> blessings...
Well - I have a mirror of this directory and the mirror of ftp.kernel.org
and the mirror of ftp.win.tue.nl all in the same place. Please feel free
to check it out (it only does HTTP downloads at the moment - if you would
like ftp access let me know and I will setup access)
Thanks to all - please let me know if I have any corrupted items
(especially the one you mentioned above...)
> Best wishes from Riley.
Thanks again and here is the URL:
Matthew G. Marsh, President
Paktronix Systems LLC
1506 North 59th Street
Omaha NE 68104
Phone: (402) 932-7250
Email: mgm@paktronix.com
WWW: http://www.paktronix.com
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