[BUG 2.0.36] wait_queue is bad

Daniel Deimert (d1dd@dtek.chalmers.se)
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 14:36:43 +0100

There is something really fishy about 2.0.36 final. I got this in the
middle of the night, only mail traffic on the host.

kernel: wait_queue is bad (eip = 001271ef)
kernel: q = 0700194c
kernel: *q = 08001948

>From /boot/System.map:

00127170 T mark_buffer_uptodate
001271bc T unlock_buffer
00127338 T generic_readpage
001273b8 t grow_buffers

As usual, I will be happy to assist in any way I can with config details
or running diagnostics or whatever.

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