I have tried this using all the above kernel versions, and with SANE
0.74 and the recently released SANE 1.0. I don't know what is causing
the problem, and the system logs do not indicate a problem. I suspect
the problem may lie in the SCSI generic code in the kernel, or in the
ever-changing Adaptec aic7xxx driver.
-- System information: Intel 440TX chipset with Pentium 233/MMX, 64 MB RAM, 3 IDE HDD's.SCSI information: Adaptec 2910 (AIC-7850) ID 2 - Panasonic 7502B CD-R (internal) ID 4 - Iomega ZIP 100 (internal) ID 6 - UMAX Astra 610S Scanner
--If anyone has any insight into this issue, please let me know. Also, please CC: my email as I am not a kernel-list subscriber.
Craig Condit ccondit@-NOSPAM-plains.nodak.edu
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