> On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Lenart Gabor wrote:
> > I've just realized the problem about ${SUBJECT}.
> > I've seen that Netscape very offen reported that "Connection timed out"
> > etc. It's strange because clicking on reload button solves the problem
> > in most cases and there was no problem like this with 2.0.x kernels.
> > What's the truth anyway ? (yes, it's out there ;-)
> Yep, I've been seeing the same problem too. I mostly get "TCP error. The
> site maybe down, please try later" or something in that range, mostly
> while loading a page. Hitting reload does the trick over here too.
I have the same problem over here (over a PPP link). 129ac3 and
ppp-2.3.5, but the problem has been there for some weeks now (I think
even more than two months).
I never blamed the kernel for it but my provider instead, but now that
I see that others are having the same problem, I thought I would speak
up :)
I will try finding out which kernel introduced this bug. The hard part
will be to reproduce it...
-- michael krause [aka raw style / lego] - www.tu-harburg.de/~semk2104/
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